Payroll Services

Payroll Services

The mission of our Payroll activity is to process the salaries based on the clients' input while respecting the legal provisions and applicable collective agreements.


In-house software

We rely on our in-house software, developed in close collaboration with BDO Technology, a subsidiary of BDO Luxembourg. In a constantly and quickly changing regulatory environment, having the production software developed in-house represents a clear advantage on the market.
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The main steps of the payroll processing are:

  • Payroll variables upload
  • Set up and maintenance of the employer's and employee's master records
  • Payroll processing and establishment of the pay slips
  • Monthly variances controlling report
  • Payroll disbursements
  • Payroll Accounting entry report and general ledger
  • Social Security affiliation of the employer & employees
  • Management of the payroll calculation rules and applicable collective agreements

  • Mandatory declarations to the social security and tax authorities
  • Proposals for the payment of non-periodic remunerations (13th month and others) and salary adaptations for staff members falling under the provisions of a collective employment agreement
  • Download of the tax cards from myguichet, upload to the payroll system and follow-up
  • Issuing of the year end statements for the employer and the employees, and the electronic transmission to the local tax authorities

Overview of all Payroll Services

ISAE 3402 and ISO 27001 
We consider that it is important to provide our clients with assurance of the controls in place.

Both certification and accreditation reflect compliance with high security levels and provide assurance on the control objectives in place.

ISAE 3402 Type II

ISAE 3402

Our payroll activity detains since 2012 the SOC 1 Type II (ISAE 3402) accreditation covering the Payroll and Change Management process.

Audits are processed by an external auditor on a yearly basis.

ISO 27001

ISO 27001

We successfully passed the ISO/IEC 27001 certification in 2023 and have been audited against the 2022 version, with additional focus towards resilience, cyber security, privacy.

Payroll activity organisational structure

Payroll activity organisational structure








Payslips per year

Key Contacts

Patrick Friden

Patrick Friden

Director - Payroll
View bio

Roger Schadeck

Director - Payroll
View bio