
Optimise your tax, eCDF & eTVA forms

Fiscalease is the central place to manage your forms and this for obvious reasons:

Save your time
Import, input, viewing, printing, PDF generation, transmission in XML format and archiving of your former declarations, eFiscalease handles everything. Also create a workflow of your VAT, eCDF & ACD (mod 500) forms and put in place a validation process.

Benefit from a complete solution

With more than 120 forms from 2004 to present (approximately 3000 sheets) the solution offers you all the different views that could be required. Last but not least, tax calculation for model 500 (IRC, ICC & IF) and 100 (IRPP).

Prevent the risk of error
Any potential increpencies will be highlighted, and in addition to that an automatic check of intercommunity VAT numbers avoids you potential mistakes.

Easy to use solution
By switching easily from one form to another one between French, German and English versions, eFiscalease warranties a great user experience regarding the following points. A generator for balance sheet and Profit & Loss based on Luxembourg standard charts of account (PCNL),

  • An optimised printing of Luxembourg standard charts of accounts (PCNL)
  • A smooth VAT migration from VAT platform to eCDF platform
  • A direct input into forms or a data import for an optimal use with ImportCenter
  • A practical solution to manage legal representatives and partners which is essential for the preparation of  model 500, starting 2015
  • An autonomous IRC-ICC-IF Calculator for more flexibility


Two women talking with each other

Key Contact

Eric Bineau

Eric Bineau

Partner - Technology Advisory
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