
Your KYC digital assistant

Eyes facilitates your KYC/AML workflows to help you to make informed decisions, and prevent your business being used to launder the proceeds of financial crime or associated with corrupt practices. 

Some key points will convince you:

An userfriendly interface

  • Created by BDO Technology, Benefit from the BDO expertise and knowledge.
  • Colors,Tiles, To-Do’s, Workflows make your Clients Onboarding’s and reviews fast and easy.

Control your risk & consequences
Eyes interactive modules and visual dashboards assist you in monitoring:

  • The documents to be collected and reviewed
  • The proper live identification of Risk in accordance with the regulations
  • A proof of review by all compliance managing people

Optimise your hits analysis & monitoring
Powered by World-Check Refinitiv, your Eyes recorded customer entities and their third parties are screened by the Risk Database. Politically Exposed Persons (PEP), International sanctions and adverse medias are immediately detected and compiled.

Benefit from the BDO Expertise in Luxembourg
Used and trusted on a daily basis within BDO, Eyes is continuously kept up-to-date by our compliance experts following the legislative changes.
Predefined questionnaires propose a risk score for your clients and/or their counterparties. Up to you to validate this proposal or temper it according to mitigating factors.

Advance your compliance security & confidentiality
Installed on your local Windows server, Eyes encrypts your files and documents. Furthermore Eyes tracks all the activity on the platform, supporting an efficient audit of all actions done in a file.

Turnkey or configurable solution 
TCSP, PFS, Asset Managers, Law Firms, Real Estate Agents, Eyes can be delivered ready to use, predefined by BDO Compliance Experts. Or Eyes can be adapted to your organisation, according to your procedures and your KYC/AML policy.

Man and woman looking at computer


Key Contact

Eric Bineau

Eric Bineau

Partner - Technology Advisory
View bio